Together move more!
On the night of the floods in 2021, when the Ahr Valley and NRW were hit by a natural disaster, the true power of solidarity was demonstrated. Numerous private helpers rushed to help on site. This unprecedented commitment gave rise to a large network that can still be felt today and continues to have an impact.
Under the umbrella of "Fortuna hilft", dedicated people have come together who are committed to their work with dedication and a lot of heart. They help those in need, alleviate hardship and light up the hearts of children. They are a living example that there is immeasurable strength in community.
"Together we can achieve more. Every contribution counts, because united we are strong and can achieve great things. Our solidarity is the key to giving hope and shaping the future."
Klaudia Skodnik
1st Chairman
Our Angel*Team
Moving more together!
With this motivation, we are committed to helping people and animals.
(+49) 163 289 1888
More about Klaudia
Klaudia Skodnik - head and heart of the Fortuna hilft "family", is on site wherever help is needed. She works tirelessly for people and animals. True to her motto "Together we can achieve more", she is always happy to bring together many helpers and angels. She makes full use of her experience and skills and when she is not on the road delivering aid supplies or rescuing animals, she takes care of the many other areas that are also important in an organisation 😉 Usually late into the night ....
Klaudia's skills at a glance:
- Consulting - Structure Manager
- Leadership Coach - Team building
- Property valuation / valuer
- Event management (TÜV Nord)
- Author
- Online Marketing Manager
- Agric. Horse farm plus THP
- Dipl.- Ing. Architecture
- Industrial clerk
(+49) 173 3240 764
More about Karen
(+49) 1520 3626 887
More about Alina
In her work as an organising angel, Alina sees herself as the girl for everything. She is your and our contact for organisational matters, coordination and everything to do with finances. The values that characterise her work are reliability and helpfulness. If she doesn't have an answer, she will get you the information you need. You can rely on that! She lives in Erftstadt and the flood brought her and Fortuna hilft together. As a result, Fortuna became a matter close to Alina's heart, so that others may also experience the help that she was able to experience. She always finds her balance in the stables and her family - which also includes three adorable kittens.
Team Schleiden
(+49) 176 57685174
More about Rebecca
Rebecca Müller - She is the heart of the MALzirkuss in Schleiden. With attentiveness, time and her loving nature, she gives the children space to develop. Arriving in her very own way. Thanks to her intensive willingness to help after the flood, which remains unbroken to this day, she is very close to the individual people affected. Being able to give the children the opportunity to create a space for themselves in the MALzirkus is something she does from the bottom of her heart and with everything that makes her tick. Rebecca Müller is always there for your children on Wednesdays and often just drops by. Would you like to get to know Rebecca and our MALzirkus? Then get in touch
you via https://www.terminland.eu/fortuna-hilft/an and drop by.
please contact Rebecca Müller
More about Gaby
Then get in touch via https://www.terminland.eu/fortuna-hilft/an and drop by.
please contact Rebecca Müller
More about Silke
In progress
+49 15563 165628
More about Jamie-Lee
please contact Rebecca Müller
More about Laura
I'm Laura and I discovered my passion for child and youth welfare at an early age. That's why I decided to study social work. When I was affected by the flood disaster myself in 2021, I realised how important it is to help others who have experienced even worse. My goal was to improve their lives. In autumn 2023, I came into contact with many children through the painting circus in Gemünd and quickly realised how valuable it is to give them wonderful experiences.
I like to offer the children moments of joy and distraction by playing, colouring and doing handicrafts. My calm nature and willingness to listen allow me to respond lovingly to the children's needs. I am grateful to be part of this dedicated team and look forward to creating unforgettable memories with the children.
please contact Rebecca Müller
More about Marcel
Marcel is our hero when things get dicey.
He is always on hand when we need help and support. Thanks to his wealth of experience, he supports us in many areas relating to the painting circus.
Whether it's to ensure that our vehicles are in working order, repairs are pending or we need quick and uncomplicated help in the event of a disaster - he provides support wherever he can.
Through his experiences during the flood disaster, he and Rebecca founded the Charlie Troupe and achieved an incredible amount.
A strong guy you can always rely on.
please contact Rebecca Müller
More about Jamie-Lee
Team Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler
(+49) 1512 0786191
More about Bianca
Bianca Ferber - Making the impossible possible - our ZuvAHRsichts and painting circus dream team Natalie and Bianca work according to this motto. The two super*angels in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler are both a rock in the surf and creative solution finders. It really wouldn't work without them.
They welcome everyone with open arms and an open heart, especially all two- and four-legged souls in need. With their warm and welcoming nature, they give so many people so much hope, confidence and a place of peace - an island where you can come to recharge your batteries. This makes them a very important pillar of Fortuna and my very own personal angels. So much would not be possible without them! It really is a gift that we can walk these paths with them - paths full of hope and so many possibilities. They convey a feeling of cohesion and home. Especially when I'm there, they always give me the feeling of coming home - my anchorage... And Natalie really is Bob the Builder! I have rarely seen a person who is so talented in simply everything - chapeau! The all-in-one multi-talent from Fortuna!
She always makes me laugh and always knows how to tease me a little - so that I take life a little easier again. To quote Natalie once: "Now let your restless bum sit in SILENCE for a coffee at ZuvAHRsicht!"
I can't and wouldn't want to imagine Fortuna without them. They give so much joy, love and hope and are always solution-orientated.
It is truly amazing how courageous these two are and how they stand up for others - they are a great inspiration for many.
(+49) 15120786352
More about Natalie
Team ZuvAHRsicht Natalie Reuscher and Bianca Ferber - Making the impossible possible - our ZuvAHRsicht dream team Natalie and Bianca work according to this motto. The two super*angels in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler are both a rock in the surf and creative solution finders. Without the two of them, things really wouldn't work.
They welcome everyone with open arms and an open heart, especially all two- and four-legged souls in need. With their warm and welcoming nature, they give so many people so much hope, confidence and a place of peace - an island where you can come to recharge your batteries. This makes them a very important pillar of Fortuna and my very own personal angels. So much would not be possible without them! It really is a gift that we can walk these paths with them - paths full of hope and so many possibilities. They convey a feeling of cohesion and home. Especially when I'm there, they always give me the feeling of coming home - my anchorage... And Natalie really is Bob the Builder! I have rarely seen a person who is so talented in simply everything - chapeau! The all-in-one multi-talent from Fortuna!
She always makes me laugh and always knows how to tease me a little - so that I take life a little easier again. To quote Natalie once: "Now let your restless bum sit in SILENCE for a coffee at ZuvAHRsicht!"
I can't and wouldn't want to imagine Fortuna without them. They give so much joy, love and hope and are always solution-orientated.
It is truly amazing how courageous these two are and how they stand up for others - they are a great inspiration for many.
bitte an Natalie & Bianca
Mehr über Steffi
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Mehr über Sarah
In ihrer Arbeit als Kunsttherapeutin sieht Sarah sich als Begleiterin, die einen geschützen Raum bietet und Material und Impulse bereithält, um Menschen bei ihrer kreativen Entfaltung zu unterstützen. Einen besonderen Wert legt sie dabei auf das freie Gestalten ohne Bewertung und darauf, dem Prozess zu vertrauen und nicht auf ein perfektes Kunstwerk hinzuarbeiten, loszulassen und im Moment versinken zu können. Sie lebt in Bonn und das Schicksal führte sie nach Ahrweiler zum Malzirkus. Der Malzirkus ist für sie ein Herzensprojekt, sie fühlt sie sich – besonders durch ihre Familie – dem Ahrtal sehr verbunden. Ihren persönlichen Ausgleich findet sie in ihrer eigenen Kunst und im Yoga.
Meldet euch gerne zur Kunttherapie über https://www.terminland.eu/fortuna-hilft/an und kommt vorbei.
(+49) 1523 6514 249
Mehr über Heike
Heike Holtz – unser Engel vom Therapeutisches Reiten Eifel e. V. ist nicht mehr aus dem Fortuna*Team wegzudenken. Sie ist unter anderem nicht nur Reittherapeutin und DOSB Trainerin für Behindertensport, sondern hat ebenfalls eine Weiterbildung für Traumapädagogik. Mit ihren sechs Pferden und ihrem Bernersennenhund-Mix bringt sie traumatisierten und behinderten Kindern die Natur Stück für Stück näher. Auch fördert sie den achtsamen Umgang mit der Natur – denn die Welt braucht starke Kinder
um die Erde wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Hier führen Heike und ihr Team die Kinder behutsam heran und fördern somit die Auseinandersetzung mit der Umwelt und sich selbst. Bei dem gesamten Prozess steht Heike den Kids immer zur Seite, denn besonders die von der Hochwasserkatastrophe betroffenen Kinder brauchen hier besonders Unterstützung. Danke liebe Heike, dass du so gut auf die Kinder aufpasst und sie in allem unterstützt. Ihr leistet so großartige Arbeit! Wir freuen uns so sehr, dich kennen gelernt zu haben und dich zu unserem Team zählen zu dürfen. Gemeinsam können wir so viel mehr bewegen.
bitte an Heike wenden
Mehr über Vera
Then get in touch via https://www.terminland.eu/fortuna-hilft/an and drop by.
(+49) 1511 0210 450
Mehr über Mirijam
Mein Name ist Mirijam und als Teamleiterin in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit widme ich mich mit viel Herz der Aufgabe, unsere Arbeit und die großartigen Menschen dahinter in den sozialen Medien, der Presse und im Internet sichtbar zu machen. Dabei bereitet es mir große Freude, den richtigen Ton für die jeweiligen Projekte und Situationen zu finden, mich empathisch in verschiedene Perspektiven hineinzuversetzen und Herausforderungen kreativ zu meistern. Unverhofft entdeckte ich meine Leidenschaft für Grafikdesign, die meine Arbeit sehr bereichert und mir ermöglicht, kreative Akzente zu setzen. Es ist für mich eine Herzensangelegenheit, unsere Botschaften visuell ansprechend und authentisch zu kommunizieren.
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Mehr über Tanja
Ich lebe im naturverbundenen Lahn-Dill-Kreis in Hessen, bin verheiratet und Mutter eines 16-jährigen Sohnes. Zusammen mit unseren beiden Hunden haben wir viel Spaß.
Beruflich unterstütze ich Mirijam in den Bereichen Social Media und Web – eine Aufgabe, die mir sehr viel Spaß macht! Besonders am Herzen liegt mir, Menschen und Tieren zu helfen, was ich bei Fortuna hilft e.V. umsetzen kann.
bitte an Mirijam wenden
Mehr über Florian
(+49) 172 7938 627
Mehr über Annabell
Seite zu stehen. Aufgeben ist für sie keine Option – was man alleine nicht schafft, schafft man dann gemeinsam! So kam es, dass mittlerweile spontanes organisieren und improvisieren zu ihren Leidenschaften wurden. Was würden wir nur ohne dich machen! – Es freut uns so sehr, dass du den Weg zu uns gefunden hast. Danke für alles…
Und soll ich euch noch etwas persönliches von ihr erzählen? – Annabell hat einen Leitsatz, der sie besonders seit der Flutkatastrophe begleitet: „Wenn viele Menschen eine Kette bilden, dann können sich die Hilfesuchenden (aber auch die Helfer) daran hochziehen“. Dies verinnerlicht sie sehr und hat mittlerweile eine Kette aus Filzherzen, die ihren Leitsatz widerspiegelt. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass du Teil unserer Kette geworden bist, liebe Annabell.
(+49) 1575 0358 795
Mehr über Diana
Liebe Diana, mit deiner offen, herzlichen und sehr ehrlichen Art hast du uns gleich verzaubert -und ganz viele auf der Equitana gleich mit! So wurde Diana zum festen Bestandteil unseres Fortuna*Teams. Seitdem ist sie ein großer Teil unserer Stimme – und was ist seitdem alles passiert… Ganz viele produktive Gespräche, das Mustang Makeover Germany und die Equitana Open Air Mannheim… Was wohl noch alles kommt? – Bei ihr weiß man es nie, nur dass es immer etwas positives ist. Danke liebste Diana, dass du in unsere Mitte getreten bist und dich mit uns für hilfsbedürftige Menschen und Tiere einsetzt, denn gemeinsam können wir mehr bewegen.
What we have done in recent years with Fortuna helps caused
Moving more together - also in the future
July 2021
Flood disaster

One day after the floods, we started supplying people and animals in the affected areas. To this day, we continue to help traumatised children in particular in the MALzirkus.
February 2022
Ukraine war

On the very first day of the war, our network immediately mobilised to help the people and animals. Until today.
February 2023
Earthquake Turkey

We were able to help the animals with local animal welfare organisations.
August 2023
Flood disaster Slovenia

With our network of helpers, we were able to help on site with construction dryers etc., build 2 playgrounds and care for animals.
October 2023
Tenerife fire

Many animals were injured in the fire. We were able to help on site.
May 2024
Flutkatstsrophe Saarland, Bayern

The aid network immediately mobilised in the affected areas and a wave of solidarity was also moving here.