Erdbeben Türkei und Syrien

Das Erdbeben und die vielen Opfer erschüttern uns sehr.

We help Turkey

We are deeply shocked by the earthquake and the many victims. Personal news from Turkey reaches us on a terrifying scale. In addition to the countless dead, many are standing in front of the rubble - buried family members, friends and their homes. Injured people and animals that need to be cared for and are now in urgent need of support. We are in contact with organisations on the ground and will support those affected as best we can. is possible. "Every drop makes the sea"....
Our helper*angel and Turkey correspondent Utku Külahci is in close contact with the organisation @akutdernegi , which already provided extensive aid during the severe earthquake in 1999. The organisation's many years of experience in disasters and, above all, its network help quickly and directly.
"Together we can achieve more" and cohesion is also important here.
We would also like to provide support in Syria, but we do not yet have any personal contacts. As soon as we are able to hand over the donations in kind in person, we will initiate further campaigns. It is particularly important to us that every donation arrives where it is needed.
Your support as


Die Menschen & Tiere brauchen  dringend Deine Hilfe!
People and animals need help!

Aktuell haben wir Hilferufe aus dem Ukraine Krieg und dem Erdbeben Gebiet  die dringend Unterstützung benötigen. Die Menschen und  Tiere brauchen sowohl medizinische Versorgung, wie auch Erstversorgungshilfe. Die Angst bei den Menschen und Tieren ist groß. Aktuell sind wir auf Hochtouren dabei, die Versorgung gemeinsam zu bewältigen.

Would you like to be a helper*angel?

Fortuna helps e.V
IBAN: DE05 5451 0067 0968 3696 75
Verwendungszweck „Erbebenhilfe“

We say

Thank you ♥

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, because only TOGETHER is it possible to make such MIRACLES possible.  

We will of course tell you what we have achieved together and how your valuable support has been utilised. To make sure you don't miss anything, you are welcome to subscribe to our newsletter and you will then always receive the latest news. If you click on Facebook you can also follow us there, where you will always see the latest activities.

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Your support HELPS

Fortuna helps e.V

IBAN: DE05 5451 0067 0968 3696 75


I will be happy to answer any questions you may have


I look forward to seeing you! Your Klaudia
