Latest News Disaster Relief Slovenia
Dear Kathy Kühner returned from Slovenia on Friday. As you can imagine...
This week, our dear Kathy Kühner set off in Gemünd (Eifel) on a...
The angels Olli and Heinz from Die AHRche e.V. have the building dryers from Habitat...
The pupils of the Marienschule Euskirchen have created a wonderful...
Despite the snow chaos, I travelled a brisk 2,500 km in 3 days on the last...
What happened and how do we provide support?
The flood disaster in Slovenia has destroyed two thirds of the country and the images are similar to those from two years ago here in Germany. With our experience from the flood disaster in Germany, we were able to provide immediate aid with our network.
Klaudia Skodnik travelled to Slovenia immediately and spoke to the Government, Civil Protection, Red Cross Slovenia, ADRA Slovenia and the local police and fire brigade personally in order to
1. to determine the need
2. to share the experiences from our flood disaster and
3. to coordinate the relief supplies from Germany.
The need is great and most of the people have no insurance. Klaudia's roots and our network enable us to provide targeted help on site.
Severely affected communities, where our first aid starts:
- Črn na koroškem
- Rečica ob Savinji
- Slovenj Gradec
- Komenda
- Škofija Loka
- Kamnik
We urgently need donations in kind and money and look forward to your support
If you would like to support us with donations in kind
𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐟: 𝐁𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐑
We are helping in the flood disaster in Slovenia directly on site and urgently need the items on the lists. Receipts for donations in kind can be issued if required - we only ask for a little patience here, as we are currently pooling all resources for active aid in order to be able to help efficiently and quickly.
If you have any further questions about donations in kind
Rebecca Müller via WhatsApp: +49 176 576 851 74
or email: info@fortuna-hilft.de.
Our current donation lists for people and animals
Download Centre Documents
Humanitarian aid transports / toll exemption
For Slovenia and Austria. (Please do not be confused if it says "Ukraine". The form is also for SLO).
Drive savely and arrive safely!
Professional drying after flood damage - expert tips from expert Markus Kern on YouTube
Poplave v Sloveniji so uničile dve tretjini države, slike pa so podobne tistim izpred dveh let v Nemčiji. Z izkušnjami iz poplavne nesreče v Nemčiji smo lahko z našo mrežo zagotovili takojšnjo pomoččnjo. Skupaj s strokovnjakom Markus Kern smo bili ponovno v hišah v Rečici ob Savinji in v Kampu Menina / Slovenija, kjer smo se pogovarjali na temo "pravilno sušenje, da bi se izognili strukturnim poškodbam". Najhujša sanacijska dela po poplavni katastrofi so bila opravljena, žal pa so so se tudi tu pojavljale napačne informacije, ki bi lahko povzročile dolgoročno škodo. Vodili so nas po lesenih hišah, Markus pa nam je dal dragocene nasvete o tem, kako smiselno in trajnostno obnoviti objekte. Za posredovanje grobih informacij smo posneli videoposnetke z Markus Kern. Za posamezna vprašanja se lahko obrnete na Markusa osebno, da ne bi prišlo do grobih napak, zlasti v pomembni prvi fazi. zahvaljujemo se Marku, ki nam je pomagal pri prevodu in lektoriranju, tako da so nasveti razumljivi.
Fortuna hilft e.V. je neprofitna in dobrodelna.
Fortuna helps e.V
IBAN: DE05 5451 0067 0968 3696 75
Postbank Purpose "Disaster control"
Paypal: info@fortuna-hilft.de
KERN drying technology
Anzerreut 3
94142 Fürsteneck
Press article

Your support HELPS
Fortuna hilft e.V.
IBAN: DE05 5451 0067 0968 3696 75
We are happy to assist you with any questions
Email: info@fortuna-hilft.de
We look forward to seeing you! Your disaster relief team