Flood disaster aid
Since the flood disaster in the Ahr valley and NRW in 2021, we have been helping with the aid network in flood disasters throughout Europe.

Ukraine war
We are helping people and animals on the ground during the war in Ukraine. From evacuations and providing accommodation to transporting relief supplies.

Natural disasters
We provide international support to regions devastated by earthquakes and fires and help people and animals in need.

Aufsuchende Hilfe - Von Tür zu Tür
Thanks to volunteer helpers and angels, as well as various donations in kind, we can regularly visit those affected to find out about their basic needs and provide support. Personal dialogue is always particularly important here.

Animal welfare
Many animals are suffering from the after-effects of the flood disaster - long-term physical and psychological damage - and require veterinary treatment that many of those affected cannot afford. We support them with food and veterinary costs.

Through volunteers and donations in kind, we support the reconstruction of houses, flats and farms that have not received any reconstruction aid.
Was wir in den letzten Jahren mit Fortuna helps caused
Gemeinsam mehr bewegen - auch in der Zukunft
July 2021
Flood disaster

One day after the floods in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, we started our supply tours to the affected areas for people and animals. To this day, we continue to help traumatised children in the MALzirkus in particular.
February 2022
Ukraine war

February 2023
Earthquake Turkey

August 2023
Flood disaster Slovenia

October 2023
Tenerife fire

May 2024
Flood disaster Saarland, Bavaria

September 2024
Flood disaster in Poland

Wir konnten schnelle Hilfe für Tiere leisten, um die Erstversorgung zu ermöglichen.
November 2024
Flood disaster in Spain

Quick help
In times of need and disaster, we are there to help people and animals in distress. Our mission includes evacuation measures, door-to-door care, the transport of relief supplies and much more to ensure rapid and personalised support.
Thanks to our dedicated volunteer helpers and a solid network of helpers, we can act efficiently and provide help quickly when it is needed most. Together we can achieve more.
Help with the evacuation
Door-to-door supply
Transport of relief supplies
Reconstruction aid
Psychosocial strengthening
Fortuna helps-News
We will be happy to take you on our journey of the heart and show you what we can achieve together.
Robert Sargsyan und sein Team haben erneut Tiere in der Ukraine gerettet –...
Dank eurer großartigen Unterstützung konnten wir die Tiere in Spanien, die von...
Thanks to you, we were able to successfully transport donations to support...
We would like to thank the Ullmann family and their wonderful team from the bottom of our...
Wie ihr wisst, ist unser lieber Dirk Pentz mit dem LKW und euren unglaublich...
Unglaublich viel ist durch eure Spenden zusammengekommen, so dass wir dank des...
Ab sofort könnt ihr im Heimtiermarkt Habekost, Josera-Großhandel in Hellenthal...
Our Heike Holtz had the honour of working with the angels of the Raiffeisen Rhein-Ahr-Eifel...
Wir möchten uns von Herzen bei den Helfer*Engeln rund um Rüdiger Hartmann von...
Nach den verheerenden Regenfällen in Spanien stehen viele Menschen und Tiere...
Yesterday we had the pleasure of receiving great animal food donations and blankets from...
Kathy Kühner died late yesterday near the completely destroyed animal shelter in...
Wir sind für euch von Mo-Fr ab 15 Uhr am Malzirkus Gemünd zur...
We would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, because thanks to your...