Making children's hearts light up
Painting circus
Painting what you can't say
How are affected children helped?
Children in particular benefit from art therapy, as they find it especially difficult to talk about feelings and events. With the help of specialised staff, we can help children and young people to come to terms with their experiences and give children's souls "wings" again.
Our lounges are particularly - In the Circus wagon at the ZuvAHRsicht in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler (On the GREEN) and in Schleiden/Gemünd at the catholic primary school (Müsgesauel 27) we offer free of charge the opportunity to process what they have experienced in a safe, comfortable space. Our Art therapist supports the children on site with its many years of experience and expertise. Group and individual therapies are offered. The programme is available to all affected children and young people.
Painting circus - Register your child
You can register your child via our appointment calendar at Terminland. You will be redirected to the respective appointment calendar of Terminland outside of our website.

In our special Children's (T)Space - circus wagon children can express their feelings and thoughts creatively in small groups.
How much time should you allow?
Die Dauer der Sitzung beträgt ab 45 Minuten ( s. Buchungsmöglichkeiten)
Where can I find the Malzirkus?
Standort (RLP) Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler: Direkt „Auf dem GREEN“
Standort (NRW) Schleiden/Gemünd: Müsgesauel 27, an der katholischen Grundschule
What costs will you incur?
Dein Kind kann kostenfrei teilnehmen 🙂
Who is my local contact?
In Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler freut sich Kusttherapeutin Stefanie Raths und Sarah Uessem auf Dich und Dein Kind. In Schleiden Gemünd freut sich Kunsttherapeutin Silke Fröhlich und Kinder-Jugend und Familienberaterin Gaby Hammer auf Dich und Dein Kind. Dein Kind wird mit viel Erfahrung und vor allem mit viel Herz begleitet und gestärkt. Natürlich ist auch das Dream-Team der ZuvAHRsicht, Natalie Reuscher und Bianca Ferber, vor Ort in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler und Rebecca Müller in Schleiden/Gemünd. Sie helfen Dir gerne.
How do I enrol my child?
Schreibe uns gerne eine Email:
Wir stehen Dir für Alle Fragen zur Seite. Du kannst Dich jetzt (unverbindlich) auch hier eintragen, dann erhälst Du immer aktuelle Informationen.
We look forward to seeing you and your child
What is art therapy
Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses artistic means to gain access to thoughts and feelings. With the help of a wide range of materials from pencils and paper to brushes and canvas to clay, stone or wood, the children/young people work creatively under the guidance of the therapist, deal with their own issues and "develop" resources. Here, inner processes can be visualised, worked on and further developed.
With the help of different materials and artistic means, resources can be discovered, strategies developed and self-healing powers strengthened.
When is art therapy useful?
Access through artistic creation makes it easier for many people, especially children and young people, to open up and engage in the therapeutic process.
In what context does art therapy take place?
Art therapy takes place in an individual or group setting. The duration of the therapy sessions, how often and at what intervals they take place, is variable and can be adapted to the individual needs of the respective children/young people. The programme is scheduled for 20 hours a week and can be extended as required. The open groups per session consist of 10-15 children, the small groups consist of 3 children, i.e. up to 150 children per week can be supported in their trauma processing with art therapy.
What methods are used?
Art therapy approaches are based on depth psychology, systemic, behavioural therapy, learning theory and anthroposophical approaches, among others.
As far as artistic methods are concerned, it is up to the therapist to decide which he or she considers appropriate for working with individual children or young people. In general, however, the entire spectrum of visual arts is available - from paper and pencil, collage, chalks, watercolours and acrylic paints to clay, wood and stone, there are no limits to the imagination.
The offer is aimed at:
Children and young people who are helped to overcome verbal blocks through creative work in order to work on their individual issues. The focus is on traumatised children, adolescents and young adults in the flood area
Schleiden Painting Circus
„Im Malzirkus waren alle Sinne gefragt. Zuerst schauten wir uns das tolle...
„Vor einigen Wochen sind wir beim Jugend-Treff mit einem neuen, tollen...
„Der Nachmittag stand ganz im Zeichen der Bücher. Welches ist dein...
Das macht den Kindern einfach immer ganz viel Spaß! Holz in allen Formen und...
Das hat aber doll geknistert und geknastert! Die Kinder hatten entgegen meiner...
Tolle Neuigkeiten Wir dürfen euch mit großer Freude verkünden, dass wir dank...
Painting circus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
„Der erste Buttercreme-Spritzkurs für Erwachsene mit Ela von Cupcake Dreams...
„Der Cupcake-Workshop im Malzirkus Ahrweiler war eine wunderbare...
Nachdem die Kinder mit Begeisterung ihre Tape-Art-Kunstwerke erschaffen...
Eine völlig neue Maltechnik erwartete die Kinder beim Tape-Art-Kurs im...
„Die Seniorengruppe bleibt dem Malzirkus treu und freut sich auf die...
„Zum Klatschbild-Kurs waren die ganz kleinen Künstler (3-5 Jahre) eingeladen....
Be a Helper*Angel
Your donation helps directly on the ground and changes lives.
You decide how your support should be used. With your intended purpose, we can use your donation in the area you want: "Children" - "Animal aid" - "Disaster relief"
Post Bank: Fortuna hilft e.V,
IBAN: DE05 5451 0067 0968 3696 75
Supported via SMS
How do I receive a donation receipt?
Donations to Fortuna hilft e.V. are tax-deductible in accordance with § 10 b para. 1 EStG. We will automatically send you a donation receipt for your donation in the first quarter of the following year at the latest. Donations up to 300 euros can be donated without a donation receipt. (donation receipt) at the tax office. A bank statement is sufficient for this purpose.
We would like to thank you for your generous support, which enables us to realise important projects and measures and help people in need. Your donation makes a significant difference and we are grateful for your commitment.
To issue the donation receipt, we need from an amount of 300 Euro your address. Please send them to us by e-mail to or enter it in the purpose of use. The donation receipt will then be sent by post to the address given.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How are the donations used?

Our vision
We look after over 3000 traumatised children at 3 locations. The psychological distress is great. There is a lack of therapy places, especially for children and adolescents. Parents are often overwhelmed by the overall situation and are unable to help their children. We would like to offer a place of refuge on a farm in order to Strengthening children and their families, Training sustainability and a to promote inclusive, intergenerational coexistence.
Making children's hearts light up
Strengthening families
Animal help & sustainability
Inclusion - living across generations