Disaster relief
In Katastrophen und Kriegsgebieten sind Tiere in Not. Durch die Übernahme der Tierarztkosten und die Versorgung der (verletzten) Tiere können wir Leben retten. Inmitten von Katastrophen stehen verzweifelte Besitzer oft vor einer unüberwindbaren Hürde, da sie die benötigte finanzielle Unterstützung nicht aufbringen können. Viele Besitzer riskieren dabei sogar ihr eigenes Leben, um ihre geliebten Tiere zu evakuieren, denn für sie sind sie wie Familienmitglieder, die man niemals im Stich lässt. Erst wenn den Tieren geholfen wurde, können sich die Besitzer auf den mühsamen Wiederaufbau konzentrieren
Assumption of veterinary costs
Countless found animals, especially in disaster and war zones, often suffer from serious physical and psychological damage that requires urgent veterinary treatment. Their fates touch us deeply. We help by not only providing urgently needed food, but also by covering life-saving veterinary costs. Together we can give these furry hearts a bit of hope and healing.
Animal and nature conservation
Every life is precious. It is a matter close to our hearts to teach children in particular to treat every living being with care and respect. With various activities, such as our bee-friendly projects and nature experiences, we want to raise children's awareness of the importance of treating animals and nature with respect. Together, we are creating a world in which humans, animals and nature can live in harmony.
Was wir in den letzten Jahren mit Fortuna helps caused
Gemeinsam mehr bewegen - auch in der Zukunft
July 2021
Flood disaster
One day after the floods in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, we started our supply tours to the affected areas for people and animals. To this day, we continue to help traumatised children in the MALzirkus in particular.
February 2022
Ukraine war
February 2023
Earthquake Turkey
August 2023
Flood disaster Slovenia
October 2023
Tenerife fire
May 2024
Flood disaster Saarland, Bavaria
September 2024
Flood disaster in Poland
Wir konnten schnelle Hilfe für Tiere leisten, um die Erstversorgung zu ermöglichen.
November 2024
Flood disaster in Spain
Quick help
In times of need and disaster, we are there to help people and animals in distress. Our mission includes evacuation measures, door-to-door care, the transport of relief supplies and much more to ensure rapid and personalised support.
Thanks to our dedicated volunteer helpers and a solid network of helpers, we can act efficiently and provide help quickly when it is needed most. Together we can achieve more.
Help with the evacuation
Door-to-door supply
Transport of relief supplies
Reconstruction aid
Be a Helper*Angel
Your donation helps directly on the ground and changes lives.
You decide how your support should be used. With your intended purpose, we can use your donation in the area you want: "Children" - "Animal aid" - "Disaster relief"
Post Bank: Fortuna hilft e.V,
IBAN: DE05 5451 0067 0968 3696 75
Paypal: info@fortuna-hilft.de
Supported via SMS
How do I receive a donation receipt?
Donations to Fortuna hilft e.V. are tax-deductible in accordance with § 10 b para. 1 EStG. We will automatically send you a donation receipt for your donation in the first quarter of the following year at the latest. Donations up to 300 euros can be donated without a donation receipt. (donation receipt) at the tax office. A bank statement is sufficient for this purpose.
We would like to thank you for your generous support, which enables us to realise important projects and measures and help people in need. Your donation makes a significant difference and we are grateful for your commitment.
To issue the donation receipt, we need from an amount of 300 Euro your address. Please send them to us by e-mail to info@fortuna-hilft.de or enter it in the purpose of use. The donation receipt will then be sent by post to the address given.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How are the donations used?
Fortuna helps-News
We will be happy to take you on our journey of the heart and show you what we can achieve together.
Unsere Amazon-Wunschliste – Deine Chance, notleidenden Tieren zu helfen! Du...
We would like to thank the Ullmann family and their wonderful team from the bottom of our...
Our Heike Holtz had the honour of working with the angels of the Raiffeisen Rhein-Ahr-Eifel...
Kathy Kühner died late yesterday near the completely destroyed animal shelter in...
We would like to thank the Horse Health Centre Kronberg from the bottom of our hearts for...
1000 thanks to all the helpers*angels who made it all possible so quickly.
A sanctuary for horses, sheep and goats in Bavaria needs support....
We received a message from a special angel from the Ukraine,...
It has been on its way since yesterday evening.... Our "big" lorry...
Unser lieber Chris konnte noch ein Fellherz in der Ukraine retten, dann ist er...
Wunderschöne Zeilen erreichen uns von der lieben Heike vom Therapeutisches...
Gemeinsam mit tollen Menschen konnten wir mehrere Tierschutzeinrichtungen rund...
Die liebe Claudia Hackradt von Equisit Pferdeservice hat die Decken unserer...
Unser Engel Diana Deus hatte auf dem Chio Aachen ein spontanes Treffen mit dem...
Die Flutkatastrophe 2021 jährt sich bald zum zweiten Mal. Die gesundheitlichen...